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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christian have doubts

yes its obvious that a lot of Christians don't believe enough to have the courage of their convictions and complain about the anti Christian discrimination in governments blocking ,my web sites .but much more damming that for 80 years no one has noticed that peoples god given right to take drugs was stolen from only the people who needed this right and they were forced into slave like criminal activity or prostitution .whats up can't Christians realize if bad laws that hurt their brothers and sisters are past and they say nothing they are guilty of failing God .as in thy will be done, or did he fail to impress his god given right to free will was not to be overridden .just because greedy layers had worked out how to steal from the poor for eternity as the so called good CHRISTIANS .Now a days find a lack of compassion for the sick and the poor O.K what they decided god doesn't like them.well i just hope i am not next to our current crop of Christians come judgment day. would hate to get hit with friendly fire from god.

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