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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

enlist in the fight to stop a drug war on the poor

we dont ask to be addicted .nor do we want to be tortured by withdrawal as there is no cure for amphetimine addiction,and we are sick of people who know nothing having a right to make decisions about us when we have no voice on these issues of life and death to us.please any one with a concience out there help us we are being silenced and murdered .

in reference to: application to join the junkies against crime liberation front (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

jaclf | Google Groups

jaclf | Google Groupsget your freinds to help fight slavery get them to visit this site

visit this group

enlist as a member of jaclf and fight the crime of human slavery ,so that politicians lawyers and police can get rich at the expence of the poor.or just read about our aims and aspiration annd act as a slplinter cell to further our cause in a practical way ,with nothing to tie you in to our organization.regards the motorcycle messiah.

in reference to: jaclf | Google Groups (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Compose Mail - 'Yahoo! Mail'

Compose Mail - 'Yahoo! Mail': "email"every time i try to contact a government department i never get through are all their web sites one way or is it just me any one who can work comuters please forward my criticisms to these insular cunts

Sunday, January 4, 2009

sunset_of_god4.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x600 pixels) - Scaled (90%)

sunset_of_god4.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x600 pixels) - Scaled (90%)

Contrary Brin

Contrary Brin: "("dear David all roads lead to Rome so it is inevitable you shall aid the fight against slavery see what has been done to me for daring to suggest a political party to represent junkies .a people who have had their god given right to free will overridden in order to subjugate them to a state were they have taxation without representation .i belive you Americans understand the blatant wrongness of this only. in Nazi Germany and during the Spanish Inquisition have people been so mistreated .and the media promotes a stereotype image of these people based on the fact that the states denial of the medical aid that they need forces them into lives of crime and prostitution.These poor wreches live with the constant fear of armed men smashing down their doors sending them to jail and puting their children in to fostercare to be abused and become addicts themselves from having the knowlege that they have no control of their own lives and someone far away will decide whats best for them based on their need for whipping boys to exploitregards the motorcycle messiah